The Wonder

Laura Berger / Lucy Hardie / Melissa Grisancich
Feature Show
Outré Gallery / Smith Street
May 24 – 7 June 2019
Laura Berger is a Chicago-based visual artist. After graduating with a Fine Arts degree, she worked for theatre companies to paint large set backdrops. While working as a scenographer, Laura went through a traumatic time in her life and began using art as a form of therapy. Soon after, her drawings became a full-time job. Working mainly with acrylic paint and gouache for her paintings, Laura’s works explore human connections inspired by her love for travel and child-like curiosity. Many of her pieces depict characters seeking a sense of belonging, healing, spirituality and existential affirmation.
Lucy Hardie is an Australian artist best known for her meticulously rendered ink drawings on cotton paper. Her intricately constructed, evocative works are exhibited in Australia, the US and Europe and are featured in numerous art and literary publications worldwide. Through a devotion to the creation of beauty, a fascination with death and darkness as catalysts for transformation and new life, and the portrayal of story and symbol as a means of reflecting our shared human experience, her works present as visual allegories: inviting viewers in to deeper felt experiences of intimacy, connection, tenderness and power.
Melissa Grisancich is a Melbourne artist, born in 1987. Her work maintains a firm ethos of using found or recycled objects and she insists on making her works entirely by hand. Her paintings reflect her interest in surrealism, iconography, symbolism, and imagery from old children’s books, vintage ephemera and comics.